Die Künstlerin Sara Mayoral findet Ikonen im engsten Freundes- und Familienkreis. Aus schwarzem Wachs formt sie skulpturale Portraits. Jede einzelne Falte, jede Pore, jedes Muttermal, ein Gesichtszug mag noch so flüchtig sein: das Wachs verschmilzt mit der Oberflächentextur und lässt die Gesichter der Portraitieren hyperrealistisch zum Vorschein treten. Das anschließende Zerbrechen der Masken in einzelne Fragmente ist für die Künstlerin ein harter, fast gewalttätiger Moment. Anlehnend an das Konzept von Ex-Votos wird jedoch die Komplexität des menschlichen Daseins deutlich: Zerbrechlichkeit und Unvollkommenheit, aber auch die Hoffnung und die Fähigkeit, in Wunden und Schmerz Schönheit und Bedeutung zu finden.

Resilient Beauty: The Fragility and Strength of Human Portraiture, Exploring the Complexity of Impermanence through Sculptural Portraits of Family Members.
I create sculptural portraits of my family on black wax intentionally broken to reveal the fragmented but hyper-realistic faces of each person portrayed. When contemplating these portraits, issues such as the fragility of the body, beauty, loss, and death resonate with me.
It was a difficult decision to portray members of my family, and especially to break the masks, it was a very hard and violent moment, but crucial to the message of the work. Showing the fragmented faces intensifies the idea that life can be interrupted at any moment.

The concept finds a parallel in ex votos, which are offered in gratitude to a saint or deity for a favor granted.
Ex votos often prostheses or casts of diseased body parts, reflect the need or gratitude for healing. Like my sculptures, ex votos show us the complexity of the human condition, fragility, and imperfection, but also
hope and the ability to find beauty and meaning in wounds and pain.

Body as a Site of Transformation and Life
As an artist, my work revolves around exploring the transformative power of memory and the archive with a particular focus on the body. Through my art project, I seek to capture the complexities of memory and the social and political contexts that shape it. Using a variety of techniques and materials, I create living projects that document the essence of the moment and the fleeting nature of time. My sculptures, sound installations, and video works embody the central themes of my art – the beauty and complexity of life. I aim to inspire viewers to reflect on their own experiences and engage with the world in a more profound way.

I believe that art has the power to transform people, and my artistic practice is my way of contributing to this transformation. Through my works, I capture the nuances of life and memory, contemplating the past, present, and future in a way that leads to a deeper understanding and connection with ourselves and the world around us. I hope that my art can contribute to a larger conversation about what makes us human and the role of the body in shaping our experiences and understanding of the world.

All Credits: Sara Mayoral, La Abundancia de la Vida, 2023.
Sara Mayoral
SARA MAYORAL JIMENEZ ist eine spanische Künstlerin aus Madrid. Ihre Ausbildung absolvierte sie an den Kunstakademien in Madrid und Warschau. Derzeit lebt und studiert sie an der Akademie der Bildenden Künste in München.